March 25th, 2012

(Here is a letter I wrote as part of a self-discovery exercise for a class I was taking in 2001.) Dear Soul Mate, It feels strange to write to someone I’ve never met before. Of course, maybe we have met and I didn’t realize who you were. Either way, we aren’t together right now in [...]

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March 15th, 2012

It’s that time of year when students around the country scramble to develop a science fair project that is at least somewhat interesting to them AND can be completed before the deadline. This year our science fair project (I say “our” because it really is a group effort helping him narrow down his options, select [...]

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March 3rd, 2012

My family and I are loving the explosion of creative Muppet-related items appearing in the world! And I’m always on the look out for new ways to decorate cupcakes. There are no how-to instructions but I think I can figure it out with a little work. Love these! The Muppets by ~gertygetsgangster on deviantART

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