Frayed Edges Swaddling Blankets

Frayed Edges Swaddling Blankets

Close up of the stitching and frayed edges

Close up of the stitching and frayed edges

My newest nephew (born the end of last summer) still loves to be swaddled when he naps or goes to sleep for the night. Unfortunately,  most swaddling blankets you can buy in the store are meant for younger babies and my nephew is also big for his age. So his mum asked me to whip him up a few new blankets so she could return to using her sheets on her own bed!

I knew I wanted to use soft, warm flannel since our weather won’t be warm until mid-May but I didn’t want to spend a lot of time with fancy edges since these blankets would be washed nearly every day.

After some online searching, I decided the easiest and most long term solution would be to let the edges fray naturally with some control. I started with the instructions at Sew Much Ado: Rag Edge Receiving Blanket and modified them so suit my needs.

I created the biggest square the fabric would allow (so each was about 42 inches square once complete) and decided not to worry about rounding the corners. I used the zig zag stitch to create a limiting border about one-quarter inch in from the edge (eyeballed it, really). Then I snipped every half-inch or so with the scissors and decided to do most of the initial fraying by hand because it made the blanket look so cute and I didn’t want the baby or mum to have to deal with too many little strings showing up in the wash for the next several months.

And the best news…mum and baby loved the new swaddling blankets!

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